Sunday, March 16, 2008

Question - ISO 9001 Vs CMM discussion

Do we have any estimates on achieveing CMMI Level 3 if an organization is ISO 9001 certified.


First let us understand the differences between CMMI Level 3 & ISO 9001.

- It will approximately 1-3 years depending on the organization size & maturity.

- It will take approximately 1-3 years to achieve CMMI level 2 depending on organization size, Maturity.
- Use PDCA (1. Develope a plan (Include training, external consulting as part of project plan, You need to train your quality staff on CMMI and key process areas/goals/practices etc.) (2) Identify core team to perform gap analysis, Assign core team leader for each KPA.) (3) Execute the plan / Pilot for few specific projects initially (3) Monitor the results (4) Revise gap analysis document and make improvements to new/existing processes. (5) Roll out at the orgnaizational level.

Effort / Cost - Consider factors such as - Training cost, Consulting cost, Gap analysis, Developing new processes and modifying existing processes, Identifying new tools needed, if needed etc. If it is India based organization, I estimate this to be around Rs - 10,00,000 - Rs. - 25,00,000. This again depends on how an organization calculates internal / external costs.

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